Looks like the payoff for the SB 25 vote began over the summer.

How about that?  The Q3 contributions that were reported by Personal PAC (Planned Parenthood’s lobby arm) are in… and indicate just what I (and many of you) suspected:  A payoff! 

Immediately after the vote, I said there were payoffs and trade offs made to get the necessary votes on the Reproductive Health Act, which legalizes abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason.  

I exchanged texts immediately after the vote with one certain representative who voted YES, but didn’t like the bill at all.  Well, long story short, in the message chain, he said “he voted his district” and “voting for it helps my district.” 
That’s short for “I sold my vote” and “I compromised my values.”

Well, besides all the pork going to his district in the budget bill and various other goodies, his campaign is going to benefit too with direct contributions from big abortion (Planned Parenthood/Personal PAC).

In fact, after doing an initial search of Q3 contributions made by Personal PAC, the list of donations is already extensive.  They’re not huge amounts, but collectively, it is pretty impressive.  Just wait to see the amounts come 2020.

By the way, I have yet to see a contribution to any legislator who voted NO on the bill.  

Here’s the beginning of the list of direct contributions. 

Donor name Committee name Amount Date
Personal PAC Friends of Justin Slaughter $250            Sep 30, 2019
Personal PAC Citizens for John Cullerton for State Senate $250   Sep 27, 2019
Personal PAC Peters for Illinois $250 Sep 27, 2019
Personal PAC Friends of Luis Arroyo $250 Sep 24, 2019
Personal PAC Friends for State Rep Anthony DeLuca $500 Sep 23, 2019
PERSONAL PAC Citizens for Antonio Tony Munoz $500 Sep 22, 2019
Personal PAC Citizens for Laura M Murphy $250 Sep 18, 2019
Personal PAC Friends for Celina Villanueva $500 Sep 18, 2019
Personal PAC Friends of Robert “Bob” Rita $500 Sep 12, 2019
Personal PAC Friends of Toi Hutchinson $500 Sep 10, 2019

*source:  Illinois Sunshine

The list continues here.
You should see the larger amounts donated through ticket purchases & sponsorships of several legislator’s campaign events in the 3rd quarter.  I can’t wait to see how the Q4 numbers look.  I bet there will be many more beneficiaries… who just so happened to vote for SB 25.  Stay tuned


Where’s the pro-life money?  

Much of the “pro-life” money gets directed to wonderful non-profit charitable organizations, such as pregnancy centers. 
It’s imperative that pro-life advocates like you add ICE-PAC to your regular list of pro-life giving.  We’re on the front lines in Springfield and in districts across the state.  The laws that are passed by our elected officials determine who lives and dies on a daily basis.  Tragically, unborn babies have little to no protection in Illinois. 

When Roe V Wade falls, Illinois will be the last stand for the abortion industry.  Your support now will determine how long that last stand will be.  

Help strengthen ICE-PAC’s Efforts Now With a Financial Contribution

So, please help us  save lives with a contribution today.  We know what it takes to battle the abortion industry in the political sphere, exposing their pro-abortion candidates for who they are:  extremists.

And please consider making it a regular contribution so we can grow our presence across Illinois, impacting more meaningful races in 2020. 

Thank you for your commitment to our mission.