Under procedures drafted by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the state would for the first time regulate clinics that perform surgical abortions. A push was made this year by pro-life members of Maryland’s General Assembly to put regulations on the books, but the effort fizzled when the Department of Mental Hygiene said it would draft them.

If the new regulations are enacted, the state would know the location of abortion clinics, inspect them and have the authority to investigate complaints against them. The draft proposal requires that doctors ensure every patient has a physical exam, that everybody in the clinic is properly licensed and trained, and it requires clinics to have a plan for when something goes awry.

The department is reviewing public comment on the draft through August 19. After that, it will review the comments and present a new draft to a joint committee of members of the House of Delegates and the State Senate, led by Del. Anne Healey (D-Dist. 22) of Hyattsville.

Source: Gazette.Net