The Mississippi Supreme Court late Thursday allowed Measure 26, also
known as the Personhood Amendment, to appear on the state ballot
November 8. The measure would amend the constitution to extend
personhood to the
unborn, likely rendering abortions illegal in the state if upheld. The
decision was a rejection of a lawsuit filed by the ACLU and
abortion-rights groups.

The 7-2 ruling said those groups had not met the legal burden required
to restrict the right of citizens to amend the state constitution.
Justice Randy Pierce said any challenges to the constitutionality of
such statutes can come only after they are enacted or approved by

Pro-life groups hope the amendment, if passed, would ultimately be
appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, providing another opportunity for
the justices to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision legalizing

Source: CNN Political Ticker